NHS ePortfolios is a modern digital platform for recording professional development. Our easy to use tools allow learners, educators, assessors and more to evidence their learning in a variety of settings.
Custom form designer
For simple forms, design them yourself! Complicated custom logic? We'll design it for you.
Curriculum builder
Build your own curricula for users to link evidence of their progress.
Bespoke reports to allow admins and educators to analyse portfolio data.
Cloud storage
Unlimited secure cloud storage for uploaded evidence documents.
User management
Manage user accounts, programmes and posts individually or in bulk with ease.
External services
We connect to external services (eg GMC, eLFH etc) and pull back a variety of data for users.

Our mobile responsive design and app allows for "in the room" reflections and assessments on any device.

NES (NHS Education for Scotland) collects and processes trainees' ePortfolio information in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. Information entered into your ePortfolio by you, or about you by training administrators or supervisors, will not be shared with any external third parties. All identifiable information is held securely and treated confidentially.
Within Scotland, NES (including Scotland’s Postgraduate Deaneries) will use ePortfolio data to support you throughout your training. This involves maintaining accurate records; the pursuit of NES' duty to evaluate the effectiveness of training; ensuring that services continue to meet users' educational needs, and to allow further development to improve education and training for future trainees where required.
Security of an electronic portfolio has to not only match, but be significantly more secure than paper records. Strict protocols restrict access to data, and security is a key priority for the NHS ePortfolios team.
Hardware and software security conforms to industry standards and NES annually commissions an external security review of NHS ePortfolios to make absolutely certain that the system stands up to persistent and/or malicious attempts to breach security. This is an extremely rigorous review that involves the system being ‘attacked’ systematically over a given period by security experts. The system also undertakes reviews to ensure compliance with Caldicott Principles.

The NES (NHS Education for Scotland) ePortfolio has grown rapidly since its inception in August 2005 and now comprises over 20 versions for over 25,000 healthcare trainees within Scotland, across the United Kingdom, and overseas.
We are a small team based across Scotland working within the NES Technology Service.