Release 40.8 - Thu 27 Jun 2024

Below are the items that are to be included in Release 40.8 scheduled for deployment on Thursday the 27th June 2024.

Update items included in this release are:

  • 46834 - NHSSA - Anaesthetic Practitioner Summary of Progress page (NEP-915)
  • 46940 - EPORTFOLIO - Update to search behaviour in review panels
  • 47148 - HFP - Basic Site Build UAT tasks - Part 2 (NEP-1439)
  • 47157 - PHYSICIAN - Establish new Multiple Consultant Report (MCR) - Echocardiography form (NEP-1410)
  • 47178 - PHYSICIAN - Updated Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics Project Based Discussion form (NEP 1534)
  • 47181 - FPA - Update location titles

Fixes included in this release are:

  • 46988 - EPORTFOLIO - Update to activity feed content for forms completed without an account (NEP-1134)
  • 47217 - EPORTFOLIO - Unable to create new curriculum in a site with no curricula
  • 47274 - FPA - Analyse Forms is returning values not text for drop downs in the CPD Panel (NEP-1871)
  • 47276 - PHYSICIAN - Educational Supervisor Report (ESR) - Endocrinology & Diabetes Mellitus form not including all forms in counts (NEP-1843)
  • 47277 - PHYSICIAN - Resolve permission issue with Multiple Consultant/Trainer Report (MCR/MTR) - Acute Care Common Stem (ACCS) form (NEP-1881)

Descriptions for these items are as follows:

46834 - NHSSA - Anaesthetic Practitioner Summary of Progress page (NEP-915)
Within the NHSSA site, establish a new "Summary of Progress" page for trainees with the "AfPP Surgical First Assistant Competency Toolkit“ curriculum.

46940 - EPORTFOLIO - Update to search behaviour in review panels
Within ALL sites, update the review panel functionality to enable searching for multiple terms at once, streamlining the process for assembling large panels.

46988 - EPORTFOLIO - Update to activity feed content for forms completed without an account (NEP-1134)
Within ALL sites, update the content displayed in the Activity Feed to remove descriptions such as "Form Created by Physician Ticket Assessor, Physician Ticket Assessor" when a form is completed by a user without logged-in to an account

47148 - HFP - Basic Site Build UAT tasks - Part 2 (NEP-1439)
Within the HFP site, prevent users of the HFP Trainee Pharmacist role from self-administering their own posts.  Additionally, update the import users template so that authorised adminisrators can include details of 3 x posrts and 3 x curricula when bulk creating new accounts.

47157 - PHYSICIAN - Establish new Multiple Consultant Report (MCR) - Echocardiography form (NEP-1410)
Within the PHYSICIAN site, establish an "Multiple Consultant Report (MCR) - Echocardiography" form for users with the "Physician Cardiology & Internal Medicine 2022 Capabilities in Practice (CiPs)" curriculum.

47178 - PHYSICIAN - Updated Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics Project Based Discussion form (NEP 1534)
Within the PHYSICIAN site, update the "Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics Project Based Discussion (PBD)" form to ensure it is correctly counted within Summary of Progress pages.

47181 - FPA - Update location titles
Within the FPA site, update the titles of generic locations to also contain the title of their parent.

47217 - EPORTFOLIO - Unable to create new curriculum in a site with no curricula
Within ALL sites, resolve an issue whereby a new curriculum could not be created unless at least one curriculum already existed within the currently selected site.

47274 - FPA - Analyse Forms is returning values not text for drop downs in the CPD Panel (NEP-1871)
Within the FPA site, ensure that values selected in the CPD Panel are correctly displayed in the output of the Analyse Forms report.

47276 - PHYSICIAN - Educational Supervisor Report (ESR) - Endocrinology & Diabetes Mellitus form not including all forms in counts (NEP-1843)
Within the PHYSICIAN site, update specialties selected within the "Specialty Being Assessed" fields to ensure that appropriate forms are counted within ESR forms and Summary of Progress pages.

47277 - PHYSICIAN - Resolve permission issue with Multiple Consultant/Trainer Report (MCR/MTR) - Acute Care Common Stem (ACCS) form (NEP-1881)
Within the PHYSICIAN site, update the "Multiple Consultant/Trainer Report (MCR/MTR) - Acute Care Common Stem (ACCS)" form so that it can be saved as draft and resolve issue preventing existing non-draft forms being viewed by other users.


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