Release 40.0 - Sat 30 March 2024
Below are the items that are to be included in Release 40.0 scheduled for deployment on Saturday the 30th March 2024.
Update items included in this release are:
- 45517 - EPORTFOLIO - Update to main curriculum view
- 45853 - PEP - Establish new Professional Declaration Form (NEP-328)
- 46132 - FPA - CPD Credit Summary (NEP 347 / ZEN 50565)
- 46785 - PHYSICIAN - Updates to ARCP form (NEP-661)
Fixes included in this release are:
- 46926 - STIF - Remove erroneous form titles
Descriptions for these items are as follows:
45517 - EPORTFOLIO - Update to main curriculum view
Within ALL sites, update the main curriculum view to introduce new search/filtering options and to improve usability on touch based interfaces and small/narrow displays.
45853 - PEP - Establish new Professional Declaration Form (NEP-328)
Within the PEP site, establish a new "Professional Declaration" form within the CASP form group.
46132 - FPA - CPD Credit Summary (NEP 347 / ZEN 50565)
Within the FPA site, provide users with access to a CPD Credit Summary page.
46785 - PHYSICIAN - Updates to ARCP form (NEP-661)
Within the PHYSICIAN site, update the ARCP outcome form, removing Covid specific outcomes and increasing the amount of fields that are auto-populated.
46926 - STIF - Remove erroneous form titles
Within the STIF site, remove form titles that have been populated using an incorrect title formula.