Release 39.7 - Sat 2 March 2024

Below are the items that are to be included in Release 39.7 scheduled for deployment on Saturday the 2nd March 2024.

Update items included in this release are:

  • 46647 - MANAGEMENT - Relocate Create User feature
  • 46733 - PEP - Replace and Remove PEP Limited Administrator role (NEP-499)
  • 46736 - EPORTFOLIO - Allow rapid creation of multiple tickets requests
  • 46745 - EPORTFOLIO - Update NuGet Packages and JavaScript Libraries
  • 46753 - EPORTFOLIO - Cleanup the various 'NotCRUDReasons' within Form Permission object
  • 46778 - FPA - Automatically link forms with CPD claims to appropriate CPPC clinical capabilities (NEP-618)
  • 46784 - EPORTFOLIO - Prevent the creation of a ticket to an email address associated with the trainee
  • 46805 - EPORTFOLIO - Remove logging context from Commands and Queries base class
  • 46670 - EPORTFOLIO - Updates stored proc that retrieves our FilledForms
  • 46676 - EPORTFOLIO - Update Admin Forms interface to improve performance
  • 46761 - PHYSICIAN - Branding and colour changes from 2024 (NEP-398)
  • 46865 - PHYSICIAN - Update to website links in Help Menu (NEP-398)

Fixes included in this release are:

  • 46795 - EPORTFOLIO - Resolve issues with updated Admin Roles page
  • 46822 - UMEP - KEELE - Resolve logo sizing issues

Descriptions for these items are as follows:

46647 - MANAGEMENT - Relocate Create User feature
Within the MANAGEMENT site, relocate the feature for creating a new user account from the user search page to a new menu item entirely.

46733 - PEP - Replace and Remove PEP Limited Administrator role (NEP-499)
Within the PEP site, replace the "PEP Limited Administrator" role in any user accounts with the "PEP Administrator" role then remove the "PEP Limited Administrator" role entirely.

46736 - EPORTFOLIO - Allow rapid creation of multiple tickets requests
Within ALL sites, enable the rapid creation of multiple ticket requests by allowing multiple recipient email addresses, separated by commas, to be specified when creating a ticket request.

46745 - EPORTFOLIO - Update NuGet Packages and JavaScript Libraries
NHS ePortfolios Internal Item.

46753 - EPORTFOLIO - Cleanup the various 'NotCRUDReasons' within Form Permission object
NHS ePortfolios Internal Item.

46778 - FPA - Automatically link forms with CPD claims to appropriate CPPC clinical capabilities (NEP-618)
Within the FPA site, automatically create a link from a form to the appropriate item within the "Clinical Capabilities" section of the "FPA Core Clinical Practice Curriculum" where an item has been selected in the "CPD Specialty" field.

46784 - EPORTFOLIO - Prevent the creation of a ticket to an email address associated with the trainee
Within ALL sites, prevent the creation of a new ticket request to an email address associated with the user account in which the ticket is being created.

46805 - EPORTFOLIO - Remove logging context from Commands and Queries base class
NHS ePortfolios Internal Item.

46670 - EPORTFOLIO - Updates stored proc that retrieves our FilledForms
NHS ePortfolios Internal Item.

46676 - EPORTFOLIO - Update Admin Forms interface to improve performance
NHS ePortfolios Internal Item.

46761 - PHYSICIAN - Branding and colour changes from 2024 (NEP-398)
Within the PHYSICIAN site, update the site branding to complement the new branding provided by JRCPTB.

46795 - EPORTFOLIO - Resolve issues with updated Admin Roles page
Within ALL sites, perform further updates to the admin roles page including re-introducing the ability to view roles associated with other sites and programme permissions.

46822 - UMEP - KEELE - Resolve logo sizing issues
Within the UMeP site, for users at the Keele location, ensure that the logo displayed in the header is appropriately sized.

46865 - PHYSICIAN - Update to website links in Help Menu (NEP-398)
Within the PHYSICIAN site, update links in the Help menu to new URLs within the new Federation website.

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