Release 38.2 - Sat 15 July 2023
Below are the items that are to be included in Release 38.2 scheduled for deployment on Saturday 15th July 2023.
Update items included in this release are:
- 45671 - PHYSICIAN - TIS Data Import (ZEN 49424)
- 45844 - PHYSICIAN - Updates to Neurology & Stroke Medicine ESR (ZEN 49403)
- 45949 - EPORTFOLIO - Updates to FormHandler buttons (ZEN 49731)
- 45956 - PEP - Update Post Admin pop-up so that supervisor searches are not restricted by role by default
- 46010 - NHSSA - Addition of existing reports
- 46036 - EPORTFOLIO - Update NuGet Packages and JavaScript Libraries
- 46041 - PHYSICIAN - Update Generic CiP titles in Medical Virology and Medical Microbiology curricula
- 46049 - NUH - Enable Import Users for NUH Senior Administrators
- 46050 - CSRH - Enable Import Users for CSRH Senior Administrators
- 46052 - FPA - Updates to Import Users Template
Fixes included in this release are:
- 45953 - MANAGEMENT - Allow searching for users by registration number when no site filter is selected
- 46000 - FPA - Rename Enrolement Status to Membership Status (ZEN 50217)
- 46023 - EPORTFOLIO - Password not obfuscated in Samsung Android mobile devices
- 46046 - EPORTFOLIO - Hover text on MyCurriculumRatings page display issue
- 46054 - BNU - Resolve Import Users Issue
Descriptions for these items are as follows:
45671 - PHYSICIAN - TIS Data Import (ZEN 49424)
Within the PHYSICIAN site, establish a new facility that allows users of the Physician JRCPTB Administrator role to upload a file provided by TIS and have users' training programme end dates updated to match.
45844 - PHYSICIAN - Updates to Neurology & Stroke Medicine ESR (ZEN 49403)
Within the PHYSICIAN site, publish the "Educational Supervisor Report (ESR) - Neurology & Stroke Medicine" for users with the "Physician Neurology, Internal Medicine & Stroke Medicine 2022 Capabilities in Practice (CiPs)" curricula.
45949 - EPORTFOLIO - Updates to FormHandler buttons (ZEN 49731)
Within ALL sites, update the buttons at the bottom of forms so that they are always visible, not just when you scroll to the bottom of the form.
45953 - MANAGEMENT - Allow searching for users by registration number when no site filter is selected
Within the MANAGEMENT site, provide the ability to search within any specific registration number field.
45956 - PEP - Update Post Admin pop-up so that supervisor searches are not restricted by role by default
Within the PEP site, update the post admin pop-up so that when searching for a supervisor, all supervisor roles are searched by default.
46000 - FPA - Rename Enrolement Status to Membership Status (ZEN 50217)
Within the FPA site, ensure the Enrolement Status field is labelled as Membership Status.
46010 - NHSSA - Addition of existing reports
Within the NHSSA site, provide users of the NHSSA Administrator and NHSSA Senior Administrator role with access to the "Summary Report", "Form Count by Learner" and "Certificates and Exams Report" reports.
46023 - EPORTFOLIO - Password not obfuscated in Samsung Android mobile devices
Within ALL sites, when rating/signing as an another user, ensure that the password is obfuscated (i.e. not readable onscreen).
46036 - EPORTFOLIO - Update NuGet Packages and JavaScript Libraries
NHS ePortfolios Internal Item.
46041 - PHYSICIAN - Update Generic CiP titles in Medical Virology and Medical Microbiology curricula
Within the PHYSICIAN site, update the titles of generic CiPs 5 and 6 within the "RCPath Medical Virology Medicine 2001 Capabilities in Practice (CiPs)" and "RCPath Medical Microbiology 2021 Capabilities in Practice (CiPs)" curricula and associated works.
46046 - EPORTFOLIO - Hover text on MyCurriculumRatings page display issue
Within the EXTERNAL site, when viewing curriculum ratings provided in response to tickets, ensure that the tool tip showing the full path to the curriculum item is displayed correctly at all times.
46049 - NUH - Enable Import Users for NUH Senior Administrators
Within the NUH site, provide users of the NUH Senior Administrator role with access to the Import Users feature, allowing the bulk creation of new user accounts, programmes and posts.
46050 - CSRH - Enable Import Users for CSRH Senior Administrators
Within the CSRH site, provide users of the CSRH Senior Administrator role with access to the Import Users feature, allowing the bulk creation of new user accounts, programmes and posts.
46052 - FPA - Updates to Import Users Template
Within the FPA site, update the Import Users feature, so that the downloadable template includes a column for GMC Number but no longer contains fields to allow for the creation of posts.
46054 - BNU - Resolve Import Users Issue
Within the BNU site, update the Import Users feature so that the downloadable template contains a column entitled "Post 1 Practice Educator" to allow users of the "BNU Practice Educator" role to be associated with newly created posts.