Release 38.1 - Sat 24 June 2023

Below are the items that are to be included in Release 38.1 scheduled for deployment on Saturday 24th June 2023.

Update items included in this release are:

  • 45943 - PHYSICIAN - Allow selection of Service StR grade in Summary of Progress pages (ZEN 50010)
  • 46020 - EPORTFOLIO - Ensure redis cache connections are via SSL
  • 46024 - PHYSICIAN - Updates to IMT Summary of Progress page and ESR form (ZEN 50123)

Fixes included in this release are:

  • 45930 - EPORTFOLIO - Intermittent Server error in application accessing a user's home page
  • 46004 - EPORTFOLIO - Original username included in email messages sent by support form

Descriptions for these items are as follows:

45930 - EPORTFOLIO - Intermittent Server error in application accessing a user's home page
NHS ePortfolios Internal Item.

45943 - PHYSICIAN - Allow selection of Service StR grade in Summary of Progress pages (ZEN 50010)
Within the PHYSICIAN site, update all Summary of Progress pages to include the "Service StR" grade within the grade selector.

46004 - EPORTFOLIO - Original username included in email messages sent by support form
Within ALL sites, ensure that when a user has updated their username, that it is the updated username, not their original username that is included within email messages generated in response to the Help > Support form.

46020 - EPORTFOLIO - Ensure redis cache connections are via SSL
NHS ePortfolios Internal Item.

46024 - PHYSICIAN - Updates to IMT Summary of Progress page and ESR form (ZEN 50123)
Within the PHYSICIAN site, update the "Summary of Progress (IMT)" page and the "Educational Supervisors Report (IMT)" form to include OPCAT forms.

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