Release 34.8 - Sat 15 Jan 2022

Below are the items that are to be included in Release 34.8, scheduled for deployment on Saturday 15th January 2022.

Update items included in this release are:

  • 43407 - FICM - Remove Assessment Report
  • 43733 - EPORTFOLIO - Admin Information Improvements (ZEN 45921)
  • 43922 - PHYSICIAN - Updates to Analyse Forms
  • 43929 - EPORTFOLIO - Improvements to Forgotten Password process
  • 44098 - PHYSICIAN - Include Specialty in Trainee Posts report output
  • 44106 - PHYSICIAN - Update auto-population in Educational Supervisors Report form (ZEN 46518)
  • 44146 - EPORTFOLIO - Enforce FirstPageAfterLogin before enforcing Declarations
  • 44147 - EPORTFOLIO - Updates to admin programmes page (ZEN 46552)
  • 44169 - EPORTFOLIO - Update NuGet Packages and JavaScript Libraries
  • 44201 - UHB - Eliminate unnecessary levels from the location tree
  • 44228 - BBT - Change to minimum number of forms required to allow creation of Patient Satisfaction Summary (ZEN 46648)

Fixes included in this release are:

  • 43709 - EPORTFOLIO - Invalid Title Formula not obvious in Form designer
  • 43935 - MALTA GP - Update selected user navigation
  • 44116 - EPORTFOLIO - Location picker bug
  • 44117 - EPORTFOLIO - Associations popup display bug
  • 44167 - EPORTFOLIO - Analyse Forms report does not include users with more than 1 user tag
  • 44181 - UMEP - User Report output always contains original username and not aliases (ZEN 46659)
  • 44227 - PHYSICIAN - Analyse Forms - Report does not include form counts from "Pharmaceutical Medicine Supervisors Report" forms

Descriptions for these items are as follows:

43407 - FICM - Remove Assessment Report
Within the FICM site, remove the "Assessment Report" report as the forms this summarises are no longer correct.

43709 - EPORTFOLIO - Invalid Title Formula not obvious in Form designer
Within ALL sites, update the Title Formula tab within the form designer to simplify the creation of form title formulae and better highlight when values have been provided that may not be what is desired.

43733 - EPORTFOLIO - Admin Information Improvements (ZEN 45921)
Within ALL sites, update the Admin Information facility to improve usability and avoid confusion around the Text/Upload/Link options.

43922 - PHYSICIAN - Updates to Analyse Forms
Within ALL sites, update the Analyse Forms facility to utilise the date range picker used elsewhere and also allow users to select multiple locations instead of a single location.

43929 - EPORTFOLIO - Improvements to Forgotten Password process
Update the forgotten password process to provide more useful feedback when no account exists with the provided email address.

43935 - MALTA GP - Update selected user navigation
Within the MALTA GP site, ensure that all navigation items are correctly displayed when viewing another users account.

44098 - PHYSICIAN - Include Specialty in Trainee Posts report output
Within the PHYSICIAN site, ensure that the output from the "Trainee Posts" report includes specialties.

44106 - PHYSICIAN - Update auto-population in Educational Supervisors Report form (ZEN 46518)
Within the PHYSICIAN site, update the non-IMT Educational Supervisors Report (ESR) form so that computed fields are based on forms with specific tags so that new form designs can be easily included within counts.

44116 - EPORTFOLIO - Location picker bug
NHS ePortfolios Internal Item.

44117 - EPORTFOLIO - Associations popup display bug
NHS ePortfolios Internal Item.

44146 - EPORTFOLIO - Enforce FirstPageAfterLogin before enforcing Declarations
NHS ePortfolios Internal Item.

44147 - EPORTFOLIO - Updates to admin programmes page (ZEN 46552)
Within ALL sites, update the Admin Programmes page to remove the auto-population and updating of post and programme dates.

44167 - EPORTFOLIO - Analyse Forms report does not include users with more than 1 user tag
Within ALL sites, ensure that when using user tags to filter the output of Analyse Forms that forms completed within the portfolios of users with multiple tags are also included within the output.

44169 - EPORTFOLIO - Update NuGet Packages and JavaScript Libraries
NHS ePortfolios Internal Item.

44181 - UMEP - User Report output always contains original username and not aliases (ZEN 46659)
Within the UMeP site, ensure that the output from the "User Report" report always includes the most recently set username for each account.

44201 - UHB - Eliminate unnecessary levels from the location tree
Within the UHB site, eliminate locations with only a single child, making the location tree easier to navigate.

44227 - PHYSICIAN - Analyse Forms - Report does not include form counts from "Pharmaceutical Medicine Supervisors Report" forms
Within the PHYSICIAN site, ensure that all non-computed fields within the "Pharmaceutical Medicine Supervisors Report" form are included in output generated by Analyse Forms.

44228 - BBT - Change to minimum number of forms required to allow creation of Patient Satisfaction Summary (ZEN 46648)
Within the BBT site, reduce the number of Patient Satisfaction forms required to release the Patient Satisfaction Summary form from 40 down to 15.

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