Release 33.4 - Sat 8 May 2021

Below are the items that are to be included in Release 33.4, scheduled for deployment on Saturday 8th May 2021.

Update items included in this release are:

  • 4215 - EPORTFOLIO - Move Privacy Statements to ManageText
  • 4520 - EPORTFOLIO - Allow form signatures by another user
  • 4936 - EPORTFOLIO - Migrate My Filled Forms page to MVC
  • 4937 - EPORTFOLIO - Migrate Certificates and Exams to MVC
  • 4952 - EPORTFOLIO - Migrate Move Forms to MVC
  • 5043 - EPORTFOLIO - Allow signatures and ratings by another user
  • 5044 - EPORTFOLIO - Allow curriculum ratings by another user
  • 5054 - EPORTFOLIO - Add responsive styling to labels in titles
  • 5103 - EPORTFOLIO - Updates to login page
  • 5109 - PHYSICIAN - Retitle curriculum items
  • 5110 - EPORTFOLIO - Update Curriculum page titles
  • 5138 - PHYSICIAN - Update to ARCP Report (ZEN 44614)
  • 43159 - UMEP - Remove Form Not Completed Report

Fixes included in this release are:

  • 5076 - MOBILE APP - Selecting the > chevron when creating a form turns app offline
  • 5107 - EPORTFOLIO - Remember selected training programme when adding or removing curricula
  • 6932 - MOBILE APP - Draft forms forcing mandatory fields to be populated in error
  • 14542 - DPH - 'Select Role' shown as Assessors position in title of 'Confidential Multi-Source Feedback (Assessor Form)'
  • 42961 - MOBILE APP - Login Code shown on tickets
  • 43196 - EPORTFOLIO - Users Last Login Date/Time not being updated
  • 43202 - EPORTFOLIO - Incorrect password information retained in 'Password' field
  • 43203 - EPORTFOLIO - No error validation displayed when < 7 digits entered in non mandatory 'GMC Number' field.

Descriptions for these items are as follows:

4215 - EPORTFOLIO - Move Privacy Statements to ManageText
NHS ePortfolios Internal Item.

4520 - EPORTFOLIO - Allow form signatures by another user
Within ALL sites, provide users with a feature to allow signatures to be quickly added by other users.

4936 - EPORTFOLIO - Migrate My Filled Forms page to MVC
NHS ePortfolios Internal Item.

4937 - EPORTFOLIO - Migrate Certificates and Exams to MVC
NHS ePortfolios Internal Item.

4952 - EPORTFOLIO - Migrate Move Forms to MVC
NHS ePortfolios Internal Item.

5044 - EPORTFOLIO - Allow curriculum ratings by another user
Within ALL sites, provide users with a feature to allow curriculum ratings to be quickly added by other users.

5054 - EPORTFOLIO - Add responsive styling to labels in titles
Within ALL sites, reduce the size of labels within form titles when viewed on narrow devices to improve usability.

5076 - MOBILE APP - Selecting the > chevron when creating a form turns app offline
NHS ePortfolios Internal Item.

5103 - EPORTFOLIO - Updates to login page
Update the login page to display clearer warning text when a login attempt fails and also provide signposting to appropriate help centre content.

5107 - EPORTFOLIO - Remember selected training programme when adding or removing curricula
Within ALL sites, update the curriculum administration page so that after adding a curriculum to a user that the previously selected training programme remains selected.

5109 - PHYSICIAN - Retitle curriculum items
Within the PHYSICIAN site, replace references to curriculum "Competencies" to "Learning Outcomes".

5110 - EPORTFOLIO - Update Curriculum page titles
Within ALL sites, split the title shown on curriculum pages onto two lines where necessary and relocate the curriculum help text icon for consistency with help text on other pages.

5138 - PHYSICIAN - Update to ARCP Report (ZEN 44614)
Within the PHYSICIAN site, update the ARCP report to include the primary email address for each user.

5043 - EPORTFOLIO - Allow signatures and ratings by another user
Within ALL sites, introduce feature to allow a user other than the currently logged-in user to quickly add signatures and ratings.

6932 - MOBILE APP - Draft forms forcing mandatory fields to be populated in error
NHS ePortfolios Internal Item.

14542 - DPH - 'Select Role' shown as Assessors position in title of 'Confidential Multi-Source Feedback (Assessor Form)'
Within the DPH site, in the "Confidential Multi-Source Feedback (Assessor Form)" form, ensure that "Select Role" is not available for selection in the assessors position field.

42961 - MOBILE APP - Login Code shown on tickets
NHS ePortfolios Internal Item.

43159 - UMEP - Remove Form Not Completed Report
Within the UMeP site, remove the "Form Not Completed" report.

43196 - EPORTFOLIO - Users Last Login Date/Time not being updated
Within ALL sites, ensure that the last login date/time displayed includes logins performed via a single-sign-on process, e.g. logins from TURAS.

43202 - EPORTFOLIO - Incorrect password information retained in 'Password' field
NHS ePortfolios Internal Item.

43203 - EPORTFOLIO - No error validation displayed when < 7 digits entered in non mandatory 'GMC Number' field.
NHS ePortfolios Internal Item.


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