Release 33.3 - Sat 24 Apr 2021
Below are the items that are to be included in Release 33.3, scheduled for deployment on Saturday 24th April 2021.
Update items included in this release are:
- 4351 - CSRH - New CSRH workplace-based assessments (ZEN 43641)
- 4358 - CSRH - Updates to Team Observation (TO1) and Team Observation Summary (TO2) forms (ZEN 43647)
- 4795 - EPORTFOLIO - Site Specific Pre-Made Questions
- 4908 - EPORTFOLIO - Improvements to user quick search
- 4909 - EPORTFOLIO - Enable deletion of multiple personal library items at once
- 5004 - EPORTFOLIO - Remove AdditionalValues from FormHandler
- 5011 - EPORTFOLIO - Update forms that use DataControlBase
- 5050 - EPORTFOLIO - Update ticket pre-fill behaviour
- 5051 - PHYSICIAN - Eliminate AssessmentAOP form group
- 5080 - EPORTFOLIO - Make loading icons consistent throughout the site
- 5099 - EPORTFOLIO - Update logos on the NHS ePortfolios login page
Fixes included in this release are:
- 5038 - FICM - URL for 'Professional Activity' form group in Educational Supervisors Report FICM v1.ascx is incorrect
- 5041 - EPORTFOLIO - Date Format showing as YYYY-MM-DD on Reflective Practice Forms
- 5042 - EPORTFOLIO - Links in Draft Reminder emails broken
- 5052 - EPORTFOLIO - Individual form PDF generation fails to include charts
- 5053 - EPORTFOLIO - Ensure actual role name is included in activity feed entries for Supervisor2Post changes
- 5055 - EPORTFOLIO - Update device icons within curriculum admin UI
- 5074 - EPORTFOLIO - Issue with Form styling on mobile devices
Descriptions for these items are as follows:
4351 - CSRH - New CSRH workplace-based assessments (ZEN 43641)
Within the CSRH site, prepare for the launch of new Mini-CEX, BDB, Formative OSATS and Summative OSATS forms
4358 - CSRH - Updates to Team Observation (TO1) and Team Observation Summary (TO2) forms (ZEN 43647)
Within the CSRH site, prepare for the launch of new TO1 and TO2 forms with additional fields and also establish a new SO1 form.
4795 - EPORTFOLIO - Site Specific Pre-Made Questions
Within ALL sites, provide authorised users with a new type of field that can be added whilst designing self-managed forms.
4908 - EPORTFOLIO - Improvements to user quick search
Within ALL sites, improve the user quick search by allowing multiple searches separated by commas to be performed simultaneously.
4909 - EPORTFOLIO - Enable deletion of multiple personal library items at once
Within ALL sites, provide users with the ability to select multiple items and to delete them en-masse.
5004 - EPORTFOLIO - Remove AdditionalValues from FormHandler
NHS ePortfolios Internal Item.
5011 - EPORTFOLIO - Update forms that use DataControlBase
NHS ePortfolios Internal Item.
5050 - EPORTFOLIO - Update ticket pre-fill behaviour
Within ALL sites, update the behaviour of pre-fill fields within forms, enabling us to provide drop-down, checkbox list and radio button list fields as pre-fills.
5038 - FICM - URL for 'Professional Activity' form group in Educational Supervisors Report FICM v1.ascx is incorrect
Within the FICM site, resolve a broken link within the Educational Supervisors Report form.
5041 - EPORTFOLIO - Date Format showing as YYYY-MM-DD on Reflective Practice Forms
Within ALL sites, ensure that dates are correctly formatted (DD MMM YYYY).
5042 - EPORTFOLIO - Links in Draft Reminder emails broken
Within ALL sites, ensure that the link to view "My Draft Forms" within draft form reminder emails is correct.
5051 - PHYSICIAN - Eliminate AssessmentAOP form group
Within the PHYSICIAN site, remove the now redundant AOP form group, moving existing forms to the Assessment (Generic) form group
5052 - EPORTFOLIO - Individual form PDF generation fails to include charts
Within ALL sites, resolve the issue that prevented charts from being included in PDF files generated by clicking the Download button at the bottom of individual forms.
5053 - EPORTFOLIO - Ensure actual role name is included in activity feed entries for Supervisor2Post changes
Within ALL sites, ensure that activity feed entries generated when a supervisor/tutor/mentor is associated with a post include the name of the role via which the association has been made.
5055 - EPORTFOLIO - Update device icons within curriculum admin UI
Within ALL sites, ensure that device icons within the Curriculum Admin UI match the device icons used within the Form Admin UI.
5074 - EPORTFOLIO - Issue with Form styling on mobile devices
Within ALL sites, ensure that scales for Likert style questions are correctly styled.
5080 - EPORTFOLIO - Make loading icons consistent throughout the site
Within ALL sites, ensure that all loading/waiting icons are consistent.
5099 - EPORTFOLIO - Update logos on the NHS ePortfolios login page
NHS ePortfolios Internal Item.