Release 32.9 - Sat 20 Feb 2021

Below are the items that are to be included in Release 32.9, scheduled for deployment on Saturday 20th February 2021.

Update items included in this release are:

  • 4389 - RCEM - Migrate to new form overview page
  • 4745 - EPORTFOLIO - Update NuGet Packages and JavaScript Libraries
  • 4796 - UMEP - Replace custom overview page used for Declarations (ZEN 44089)
  • 4491 - EPORTFOLIO - Activity Feed Subscription    
  • 4064 - EPORTFOLIO - Notifications when roles and user training programmes are added
  • 4488 - EPORTFOLIO - Update activity feed when a curriculum is added for a user
  • 4489 - EPORTFOLIO - Update activity feed when a user is associated with a post
  • 4490 - EPORTFOLIO - Activity Feed Email Subscription
  • 4492 - EPORTFOLIO - Activity Feed UI Updates
  • 4788 - EPORTFOLIO - Open form from Activity Feed

Fixes included in this release are:

  • 4773 - UMEP - Summary TAB and Summary Early Years TAB forms showing Trainee instead of Medical Student
  • 4781 - EPORTFOLIO - Unclear help text on the Curriculum Rating Groups page
  • 4813 - UMEP - Curriculum erroneously applied to imported students (ZEN 44195)
  • 4857 - UMEP - Attention Items page generates an error when opened (ZEN 44370)

Descriptions for these items are as follows:

4389 - RCEM - Migrate to new form overview page
Within the RCEM site, update form overview pages to the new style form overview page.

4491 - EPORTFOLIO - Activity Feed Subscription
Within ALL sites, update the activity feed to ensure it includes details of all activity of interests and provide users with a way of receiving an automated email message containing details of this activity without having to login.

4064 - EPORTFOLIO - Notifications when roles and user training programmes are added
Within ALL sites, ensure that when roles and training programmes are updated that this is reflected in the Activity Feed within the users account.

4488 - EPORTFOLIO - Update activity feed when a curriculum is added for a user
Within ALL sites, ensure that when curricula are updated that this is reflected in the Activity Feed within the users account.

4489 - EPORTFOLIO - Update activity feed when a user is associated with a post
Within ALL sites, ensure that when posts are updated that this is reflected in the Activity Feed within the student/trainee and tutor/supervisor account.

4490 - EPORTFOLIO - Activity Feed Email Subscription
Within ALL sites, provide users with the ability to subscribe/unsubscribe from receiving email notifications containing items from their activity feed.

4492 - EPORTFOLIO - Activity Feed UI Updates
Within ALL sites, simplify the Activity Feed user interface by removing the rarely used search/filtering controls.

4745 - EPORTFOLIO - Update NuGet Packages and JavaScript Libraries
NHS ePortfolios Internal Item.

4788 - EPORTFOLIO - Open form from Activity Feed
Within ALL sites, update the Activity Feed so that in addition to being able to quickly preview a form, users are also able to open a form for editing (where permissions allow).

4773 - UMEP - Summary TAB and Summary Early Years TAB forms showing Trainee instead of Medical Student
Within the UMEP site, ensure that the Summary pages for TAB and Early Years TAB correctly references "Students" and not "Trainees".

4781 - EPORTFOLIO - Unclear help text on the Curriculum Rating Groups page
NHS ePortfolios Internal Item.

4796 - UMEP - Replace custom overview page used for Declarations (ZEN 44089)
Within the UMEP site, replace the page accessed via the Profile > Declarations page with the new style form overview page.

4813 - UMEP - Curriculum erroneously applied to imported students (ZEN 44195)
Within the UMEP site, ensure the "GMC Outcomes for Graduates (2018)" curriculum is automatically assigned to newly imported users instead of the "GMC Outcomes for Graduates (2016)" curriculum.

4857 - UMEP - Attention Items page generates an error when opened (ZEN 44370)
Within ALL sites, resolve an issue whereby opening the Attention Items page could result in an error occurring.

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