Release 32.7 - Sat 30 Jan 2021

Below are the items that are to be included in Release 32.7, scheduled for deployment on Saturday 30th January 2021.

Update items included in this release are:

  • 4218 - PHYSICIAN - Updates to Summary of Progress (IMT) page (ZEN 43373)
  • 4386 - EPORTFOLIO - Improve login page
  • 4420 - EPORTFOLIO - Usability improvements to Form Admin page
  • 4459 - EPORTFOLIO - Add Supervisor Selector Form Question Type (ZEN 43546)
  • 4602 - FICM - Add Trainee Programme Report (ZEN 43597)
  • 4603 - FICM - Update to logo within FICM site (ZEN 43934)
  • 4649 - EPORTFOLIO - Remove access to forms using the LogsOrPDPs
  • 4687 - EPORTFOLIO - Updates to form group selector behaviour on form overview pages (ZEN 43538)
  • 4720 - EPORTFOLIO - Removal of Login Code from ticket creation process

Fixes included in this release are:

  • 4371 - EPORTFOLIO - PEP - 'Addl Achievements' page titles
  • 4372 - EPORTFOLIO - Tooltip issues
  • 4453 - EPORTFOLIO - Make the content of the page extend to the footer
  • 4597 - EPORTFOLIO - Date picker not working on PDP Page
  • 4607 - EPORTFOLIO - Inactive Tags not displayed on Tags Admin Page
  • 4614 - PEP - Personal Development Plan page issues
  • 4629 - EPORTFOLIO - Update content of email message sent when a new account is created during ticket completion
  • 4632 - EPORTFOLIO - 'Server error in application' page displayed when trying to move a Training Programme
  • 4654 - EPORTFOLIO - Error message when selecting Sent Tickets Notifications
  • 4697 - EPORTFOLIO - Prevent Cross-Site Linking (ZEN 44039)
  • 4758 - EPORTFOLIO - User Activity has incorrect name for Post activity
  • 4764 - EPORTFOLIO - User Activity Feed has incorrect name for Form activity

Descriptions for these items are as follows:

4218 - PHYSICIAN - Updates to Summary of Progress (IMT) page (ZEN 43373)
Within the PHYSICIAN site, update the "Summary of Progress (IMT)" page such that the section entitled "5. Multi-source feedback (MSF)" now includes TAB forms in addition to MSF forms, the section entitled "8. MRCP (UK)" includes manually imported exam data in addition to the data that is imported automatically, the sections entitled "11. Clinical activity: Outpatients", "12. Clinical activity: Acute unselected take" and "17. Teaching attendance" now automatically sum data from underlying forms and that a new section entitled "18. Procedures" is established, summarising ratings from the relevant curricula.

4371 - EPORTFOLIO - PEP - 'Addl Achievements' page titles
Within the PEP site, ensure that page titles correctly reflect the chosen menu item.

4372 - EPORTFOLIO - Tooltip issues
NHS ePortfolios Internal Item.

4386 - EPORTFOLIO - Improve login page
Update the NHS ePortfolios login page to reduce clutter and highlight that users can login with a username/password OR a 10-digit login code.

4420 - EPORTFOLIO - Usability improvements to Form Admin page
Within ALL sites, update the Form Admin user interface to remove references to Form Type which is no longer current.

4453 - EPORTFOLIO - Make the content of the page extend to the footer
NHS ePortfolios Internal Item.

4459 - EPORTFOLIO - Add Supervisor Selector Form Question Type (ZEN 43546)
Within ALL sites, provide authorised users with a new type of field that can be added whilst designing self-managed forms.

4597 - EPORTFOLIO - Date picker not working on PDP Page
Within ALL sites, ensure that the date range filters on PDP pages work as expected.

4602 - FICM - Add Trainee Programme Report (ZEN 43597)
Within the FICM site, provide access to the new "Trainee Programme Report" to necessary users.

4603 - FICM - Update to logo within FICM site (ZEN 43934)
Update the FICM site with the new FICM logo, apply a complimentary colour scheme, and ensure consistent usage of FICM as the prefix in roles, programmes and locations instead of usage ICM as a prefix.

4607 - EPORTFOLIO - Inactive Tags not displayed on Tags Admin Page
Within ALL sites, ensure that inactive tags are displayed within the Tags Admin page.

4614 - PEP - Personal Development Plan page issues
Within the PEP site, ensure that the achieved flag is correctly shown on the PDP page.

4629 - EPORTFOLIO - Update content of email message sent when a new account is created during ticket completion
NHS ePortfolios Internal Item

4632 - EPORTFOLIO - 'Server error in application' page displayed when trying to move a Training Programme
Within ALL sites, prevent an error from occurring when moving a training programme.

4649 - EPORTFOLIO - Remove access to forms using the LogsOrPDPs
Within ALL sites, ensure that forms that utilise the LogsOrPDPs permission abide by the training lockout rule.

4654 - EPORTFOLIO - Error message when selecting Sent Tickets Notifications
Within ALL sites, ensure that "Tickets Sent" notifications re only show for users with a Trainee style role.

4687 - EPORTFOLIO - Updates to form group selector behaviour on form overview pages (ZEN 43538)
Within ALL sites, update the form group selector on the "All Forms" page to allow users to improve usability.

4697 - EPORTFOLIO - Prevent Cross-Site Linking (ZEN 44039)
Within ALL sites, prevent users from linking resources from one site with resources from another site.

4720 - EPORTFOLIO - Removal of Login Code from ticket creation process
Within ALL sites, prevent the 10 digit login code from being visible to users except when responding to ticket requests.

4758 - EPORTFOLIO - User Activity has incorrect name for Post activity
Within ALL sites, resolve an issue whereby the incorrect name was displayed in the activity feed against modifications to posts.

4764 - EPORTFOLIO - User Activity Feed has incorrect name for Form activity
Within ALL sites, resolve an issue whereby the incorrect name was displayed in the activity feed against modifications to forms.

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