Release 32.0 - Sat 10 Oct 2020
Below are the items that are to be included in Release 32.0, scheduled for deployment on Saturday 10th October 2020.
Update items included in this release are:
- 2472 - EPORTFOLIO - Remove orphaned Personal Library records
- 3319 -PHYSICIAN - Update to ARCP form to include IMT grades (ZEN 42773)
- 3336 -PEP - Add new Custom Forms with pre-fill functionality (ZEN 42846)
- 3975 -EPORTFOLIO - Add new Created Date option in custom form title
- 3991 -RCEM - Reinstate RCEM Learning report (ZEN 43075)
- 4000 -UMeP - KEELE - Retiral of shared forms (ZEN 43023)
- 4008 -EPORTFOLIO - Updates to My Tickets To Complete page
- 4044- EPORTFOLIO - Update icons in location and programme pickers and replace Glyphicons with FontAwesome icons
- 4051 - NIGHTINGALE - Wind down site (Phase 2 of 2)
- 4052 - EPORTFOLIO - Updates to Absences and Calendar pages
- 4064 - EPORTFOLIO - Notifications when roles and user training programmes are added
- 4078 - FSRH - LearningSupport - convert to ManageText
- 4079 - FSRH - FSRH 'Calendar' to MVC
- 4091 - CSRH - Update to ARCP form to include Outcome 10 (ZEN 43196)
- 4097 - CSRH - Migrate reflection pages to use new form group overview page
- 4157 - EPORTFOLIO - Display Achieved badge within form title
- 4181 - EPORTFOLIO - Remove unused form groups
- 4183 - EPORTFOLIO - Removal of posts and supervisors homepage widget
- 4187 - EPORTFOLIO - Move PublicInfoPage.aspx to mvc
- 4214 - EPORTFOLIO - Move things from the Anon area to the Information area
- 4217 - UMeP - Establish new UMeP Senior Administrator role
- 4272 - CSRH - Remove unused form Careers CSRH v0
Fixes included in this release are:
- 4185 - FHFT - Invalid supervisor columns in Trainee Posts report
- 4198 - EPORTFOLIO - Error when viewing Personal Library within a newly created account
- 4220 - EPORTFOLIO - Unwanted column merging in Excel exports of SSRS reports (ZEN 43386)
Descriptions for these items are as follows:
2472 - EPORTFOLIO - Remove orphaned Personal Library records
NHS ePortfolios Internal Item.
3319 - PHYSICIAN - Update to ARCP form to include IMT grades (ZEN 42773)
Within the PHYSICIAN site, update the ARCP form to include IMY1, IMY2 and IMY3 grades.
3336 - PEP - Add new Custom Forms with pre-fill functionality (ZEN 42846)
Within the PEP site, establish new versions of the "Case Based Discussion (CBD)", "Developing the Clinical Teacher (DCT)", "Direct Observation of Procedural Skills (DOPS)" and "Mini-clinical evaluation exercise for learning (mini-CEX)" forms that allow for pre-filling of apprpriate information
3975 - EPORTFOLIO - Add new Created Date option in custom form title
Within ALL sites, provide site owners with the ability to include the Created Date in custom form titles where before they only had an option to include the Last Modified Date.
3991 - RCEM - Reinstate RCEM Learning report (ZEN 43075)
Restart daily notification emails to RCEM detailing learning activity retrieved from RCEMLearning.
4000 - UMeP - KEELE - Retiral of shared forms (ZEN 43023)
Within the UMeP site, for the KEELE location, retire shared forms that were previously available to users at this location.
4008 - EPORTFOLIO - Updates to My Tickets To Complete page
Within ALL sites, update the "My Tickets To Complete" page to provide access to sender details plus other usability improvements.
4044 - EPORTFOLIO - Update icons in location and programme pickers and replace Glyphicons with FontAwesome icons
Within ALL sites, improve the usability of location and programme pickers by updating the icons used to expand and collapse the location trainee. Additionally, standardise the library used to provide these icons.
4051 - NIGHTINGALE - Wind down site (Phase 2 of 2)
Within the NIGHTINGALE site, remove all user created data, enabling the site to be retired.
4052 - EPORTFOLIO - Updates to Absences and Calendar pages
NHS ePortfolios Internal Item.
4064 - EPORTFOLIO - Notifications when roles and user training programmes are added
Within ALL sites, ensure that when roles and training programmes are updated that this is reflected in the Activity Feed within the users account.
4078 - FSRH - LearningSupport - convert to ManageText
NHS ePortfolios Internal Item.
4079 - FSRH - FSRH 'Calendar' to MVC
NHS ePortfolios Internal Item.
4091 - CSRH - Update to ARCP form to include Outcome 10 (ZEN 43196)
Within the CSRH site, publish a new version of the ARCP form that includes COVID related outcomes.
4097 - CSRH - Migrate reflection pages to use new form group overview page
Within the CSRH site, update the pages accessed via the "Educational Logs", "Personal Development Plan" , "Careers Management" menu items within the "Reflection" menu to utilise the new style overview page that features searching and counting functionality.
4157 - EPORTFOLIO - Display Achieved badge within form title
Within ALL sites, add a badge indicating "Achieved" into form titles using the same logic that was previously only used to populate the "Achieved" column on reflection style overview pages.
4181 - EPORTFOLIO - Remove unused form groups
NHS ePortfolios Internal Item.
4183 - EPORTFOLIO - Removal of posts and supervisors homepage widget
NHS ePortfolios Internal Item.
4185 - FHFT - Invalid supervisor columns in Trainee Posts report
Within the FHFT site, replace the "Educational Supervisors" and "Clinical Supervisors" columns within the report output with a single column entitled "FHFT Supervisor" to reflect the roles available within the FHFT site.
4187 - EPORTFOLIO - Move PublicInfoPage.aspx to mvc
NHS ePortfolios Internal Item.
4198 - EPORTFOLIO - Error when viewing Personal Library within a newly created account
Within ALL sites, resolve an issue whereby an error would occur if an attempt was made to view the Personal Library within a user account prior to the user having logged-in.
4214 EPORTFOLIO - Move things from the Anon area to the Information area
NHS ePortfolios Internal Item.
4217 UMeP - Establish new UMeP Senior Administrator role
Within the UMeP site, for ALL locations, establish a new "UMeP Senior Administrator" role that provides access to self-management functionality.
4220 TODO@DEPLOY - EPORTFOLIO - Unwanted column merging in Excel exports of SSRS reports (ZEN 43386)
Within ALL sites, provide users with the ability to download report output in Excel with or without header information. Additonally, ensure the "Form Count By Student" report is correctly titled.
4272 CSRH - Remove unused form Careers CSRH v0
Remove unused form created in error.