Release 31.3 - Sat 4 Jul 2020
Below are the items that are to be included in Release 31.3, scheduled for deployment on Saturday 4th July 2020.
Update items included in this release are:
- 1597 - DPH - Disable Attention Items (ZEN 41071)
- 1783 - DPH - Changes to Educational Supervisor's Structured Report form (ZEN 41071)
- 2724 - DPH - Migrate to new Form Overview page and updated Declaration rules (ZEN 40986)
- 2991 - DPH - Updates to Declarations & Agreements
- 3122 - DPH - Update Assessment (WBA) to use new style overview page
- 3163 - EPORTFOLIO - Make generic multi-select js dropdown
- 3164 - EPORTFOLIO - Standardise Reporting UIs - Part 1 - Report Filters
- 3292 - EPORTFOLIO - Within custom and self forms add icons to the action buttons
- 3294 - EPORTFOLIO - Update CommandResult class so we don't pass a dynamic type in the Data
- 3312 - EPORTFOLIO - Standardise Reporting UIs - Part 2 - Report Outputs
- 3327 - EPORTFOLIO - Allow users to delete draft forms they have created in error
- 3331 - EPORTFOLIO - Allow users to delete draft forms they have created in error
- 3393 - EPORTFOLIO - Update text in Draft Form Reminder
Fixes included in this release are:
- 3078 - PHYSICIAN - Search for a Trainee homepage button missing for Limited Administrator type roles
- 3197 - EPORTFOLIO - Invalid Emails Currently Being Accepted
- 3354 - MOBILE APP - Updates to ticket notification emails
- 3364 - UNDERGRADUATE - Bulk Student Admin duplication of users (ZEN 42868)
Descriptions for these items are as follows:
1597 - DPH - Disable Attention Items (ZEN 41071)
Within the DPH site, prevent forms triggering the display of Attention items and remove feature for accessing items requiring attention.
1783 - DPH - Changes to Educational Supervisor's Structured Report form (ZEN 41071)
Within the DPH site, retire the existing "Educational Supervisor's Structured Report" (ESSR) form and publish a new version.
2724 - DPH - Migrate to new Form Overview page and updated Declaration rules (ZEN 40986)
Within the DPH site, update per form group overview pages accessed directly from menus to use the new style page as per the existing summary overview page.
2991 - DPH - Updates to Declarations & Agreements
Within the DPH site, update the Declarations & Agreements so that one Declaration form must be signed by both Trainee and Educational Supervisor for each Educational Supervisor / Trainee relationship and enforce restrictions until this has occurred.
3078 - PHYSICIAN - Search for a Trainee homepage button missing for Limited Administrator type roles
Within the PHYSICIAN site, ensure that users of Limited Administrator type roles have quick/easy access to search for trainees.
3122 - DPH - Update Assessment (WBA) to use new style overview page
Within the DPH site, update the Assessment (WBA) overview page to use the new style page as per the existing summary overview page.
3163 - EPORTFOLIO - Make generic multi-select js dropdown
Within ALL sites, establish new standardised picker for use within the reporting functionality.
3164 - EPORTFOLIO - Standardise Reporting UIs - Part 1 - Report Filters
Within ALL sites, update and standardise the styling of filters available within reports utilising easier to use controls where possible.
3197 - EPORTFOLIO - Invalid Emails Currently Being Accepted
Within ALL sites, ensure that when an email address is requested, that only validly formatted email addresses can be provided.
3292 - EPORTFOLIO - Within custom and self forms add icons to the action buttons
NHS ePortfolios Internal Item.
3294 - EPORTFOLIO - Update CommandResult class so we don't pass a dynamic type in the Data
NHS ePortfolios Internal Item.
3312 - EPORTFOLIO - Standardise Reporting UIs - Part 2 - Report Outputs
Within ALL sites, update and standardise the styling of report output where possible.
3327 - EPORTFOLIO - Allow users to delete draft forms they have created in error
Within ALL sites, allow users that have a form saves as draft to delete that form. (Part 1 of 2)
3331 - EPORTFOLIO - Allow users to delete draft forms they have created in error
Within ALL sites, allow users that have a form saves as draft to delete that form. (Part 2 of 2)
3354 - MOBILE APP - Updates to ticket notification emails
Within ALL sites, ensure that the email messages sent when tickets are sent via the mobile app have the same content/styling as the email messages sent in relation to tickets created via the main application.
3364 - UNDERGRADUATE - Bulk Student Admin duplication of users (ZEN 42868)
Within ALL sites, resolve an issue whereby user accounts with multiple email addresses associated were listed multiple times within the Bulk Trainee Admin / Bulk Student Admin interface.
3393 - EPORTFOLIO - Update text in Draft Form Reminder
Within ALL sites, update the text sent to users with draft forms, informing them that the forms can be deleted, if required.