Release 30.5 - Sat 7 Mar 2020

Below are the items that are to be included in Release 30.5, scheduled for deployment on Sat 7 Mar 2020.

Update items included in this build are:

  • 2473 - EPORTFOLIO - Remove orphaned Certificates & Exams records
  • 2727 - EPORTFOLIO - Erroneous entries in DefaultFormActions table
  • 2729 - EPORTFOLIO - Move code in Constants from Domain to Common project
  • 2772 - EPORTFOLIO - Move ForceDeclarations from session to redis cache (6 of 7)
  • 2773 - EPORTFOLIO - Move DoNotForceGmcUpdate from session to redis cache (7 of 7)
  • 2860 - EPORTFOLIO - Enable Switch Selected User feature in all sites
  • 2890 - EPORTFOLIO - InviteRole and InviteSupervisor Cleanup
  • 2891 - EPORTFOLIO - Site Stats
  • 2895 - EPORTFOLIO - Updates to ticket decline process
  • 2916 - EPORTFOLIO - Updates to content within ticket notification and reminder emails
  • 3003 - EPORTFOLIO - Remove orphaned Lectures records

Fixes included in this build are:

  • 2935 - EPORTFOLIO - Role switching affecting last modified date for a user account (ZEN 41940)
  • 2995 - UNDERGRADUATE - BUCKINGHAM - ARPP Report issues
  • 2998 - EPORTFOLIO - Step 1 of ticket creation process not pre-filled when opened from overview page

Descriptions for these items are as follows:

2473 - EPORTFOLIO - Remove orphaned Certificates & Exams records
NHS ePortfolios internal item.

2727 - EPORTFOLIO - Erroneous entries in DefaultFormActions table
NHS ePortfolios internal item.

2729 - EPORTFOLIO - Move code in Constants from Domain to Common project
NHS ePortfolios internal item.

2772 - EPORTFOLIO - Move ForceDeclarations from session to redis cache (6 of 7)
NHS ePortfolios internal item.

2773 - EPORTFOLIO - Move DoNotForceGmcUpdate from session to redis cache (7 of 7)
NHS ePortfolios internal item.

2860 - EPORTFOLIO - Enable Switch Selected User feature in all sites
Within ALL sites, enable the Switch Selected User feature for supervisors and administrators.

2890 - EPORTFOLIO - InviteRole and InviteSupervisor Cleanup
NHS ePortfolios internal item.

2891 - EPORTFOLIO - Site Stats
Within ALL sites, provide administrators with access to the site stats feature.

2895 - EPORTFOLIO - Updates to ticket decline process
Within ALL sites, when declining ticket requests, provide some pre-filled reasons in addition to the existing free-text area.

2916 - EPORTFOLIO - Updates to content within ticket notification and reminder emails
Within ALL sites, update the content of ticket related emails to include details of when a ticket expires plus better signposting towards the decline process.

2935 - EPORTFOLIO - Role switching affecting last modified date for a user account (ZEN 41940)
Within ALL sites, prevent the switching of roles from updating the last modified date recorded for a user account.

Within the UNDERGRADUATE site, for Administrators at the BUCKINGHAM location, resolve issue with Lone Worker certificates being excluded and ensure that both expired and non-expired certificates are included within the ARPP report.

2998 - EPORTFOLIO - Step 1 of ticket creation process not pre-filled when opened from overview page
Within ALL sites, ensure that when creating a ticket request from the summary overview page the post and form are pre-selected.

3003 - EPORTFOLIO - Remove orphaned Lectures records
NHS ePortfolios internal item.

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