Release 28.7 - Sat 1 Jun 2019

Below are the items that are to be included in Release 28.7, scheduled for deployment on Sat 1 Jun 2019.

Update items included in this build are:

  • 1287 - CPD - Rename Site from CPD to PEP [ZEN 38173]
  • 1448 - RCOG - Development of Transition Engine [ZEN 37897]
  • 1748 - EPORTFOLIO - Improve usability of Move Forms facility
  • 1825 - UNDERGRADUATE - KEELE - Move forms into appropriate form groups/types [ZEN 38763]
  • 1901 - EPORTFOLIO - Admin Ratings and Rating Groups
  • 1922 - EPORTFOLIO - Enable administration of tags on a per user basis
  • 1938 - RCOG - RCOG transition engine core
  • 1997 - EPORTFOLIO - Improve usability of Curriculum overview page
  • 1999 - EPORTFOLIO - Migrate Who uses ePortfolio to utilise ManageText

Descriptions for these items are as follows:

1287 - CPD - Rename Site from CPD to PEP [ZEN 38173]
Rename the Rotherham Trust managed CPD site to PEP.

1448 - RCOG - Development of Transition Engine [ZEN 37897]
Within the RCOG site, establish a facility to enable authorised personnel to mark user accounts for processing by the "transition engine".

1748 - EPORTFOLIO - Improve usability of Move Forms facility
Within ALL sites, improve the usability of the Move Forms facility, enabling posts and forms to be more easily identified.

1825 - UNDERGRADUATE - KEELE - Move forms into appropriate form groups/types [ZEN 38763]
Within the UMEP site, within the KEELE location, re-arrange self-managed forms into appropriate form groups to ensure they are accessibe via the appropriate menu items.

1901 - EPORTFOLIO - Admin Ratings and Rating Groups
Within ALL sites, separate the administration of ratings and rating groups from the administration of curricula to improve the user experience and also allow each to be permission independently.

1922 - EPORTFOLIO - Enable administration of tags on a per user basis
Within ALL sites, enable authorised users to add/remove tags from user accounts on a per-user basis.

1938 - RCOG - RCOG transition engine core
Within the RCOG site, establish a "transition engine" for generating PDF files of curricula and forms as per RCOG requirements.

1997 - EPORTFOLIO - Improve usability of Curriculum overview page
Within ALL sites, improve the usability of the main Curriculum page, including aligning and enlarging buttons for touch-screen users.

1999 - EPORTFOLIO - Migrate Who uses ePortfolio to utilise ManageText
NHS ePortfolios internal item.

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