Release 7.2 - Sat 29 Sep 2012

The ePortfolio is to be off-line on Saturday at 10am for a up to 1 hour while we deploy updates and perform routine maintenance. This will be release 7.2, the highlights of which are detailed below. A documented description of all updates can be found in the Release Notes section.

5404      Updates to CEM procedural log form
6224, 6167      Various updates to Nurse Mentorship and CPD and N and M Life Long ePortfolio sites
6272      Foundation missing curricula information icons on 2012 forms
6387      Dental –  Feedback section set has a limit of 300 characters
6388      Dental –  LEP form: the details of encounter box should contain a maximum of 50 characters. In original spec.
6389      Dental –  Remove “mandatory” requirement for “Date agreed” section of the DEP form, as this date is only required if a Learning Objective is identified as a result of the DEP
6390      Dental – DEPs /CbDs. At present the “sumitted on” date  set to the DEP / CbD submit date
6391      Dental – To submit a LEP/DEP/CbD changed the “save” button changed to say “submit”
6393      Dental – LEP form. Clinical focus field is now mandatory
6397      Physician: update to ACAT form text
6398      Physician: yellow highlighting of the word mandatory removed from all 2012 assessment forms
6578      Administration homepage fix to FAQs link

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