Release 7.6 - Sat 3 Nov 2012

The ePortfolio is to be off-line on Saturday at 10am for a up to 1 hour while we deploy updates and perform routine maintenance. This will be release 7.6, the highlights of which are detailed below. A documented description of all updates can be found in the Release Notes section of the ePortfolio site.

4626     Foundation: Ability to capture feedback on Learn modules
6271      RCR:  Allow trainees to self-administer post details
6511      Fix: Foundation Clinical Supervisors End of Placement Report not displaying saved comments
6553     Fix: RCOG Curriculum error links disappeared
6568     Physician: Update to Educational Supervisors Report creation permissions
6609     Fix: Foundation Form Count report not working
6611      N&M: Admin analyse forms functionality updated
6616      N&M: Various minor changes to PPP
6801      RCPCH: Exams success text updated
6852      Fix: Foundation Admins Summary Report for SLE forms
6857      Fix: RCPCH Assessments automatic data pull re-established
6865      Fix: Intake Management screen giving error page

6880      Menu on footer no longer have child links


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