Help Centre
3.3 How long are ticket login codes valid for?
When a ticket request is created, a message containing a unique 10-digit login code is sent to the recipient.
That 10-digit login code is valid for 30 days from the date and time it is sent.
The validity of each 10-digit login code cannot be extended. If you have received a ticket request and the 10-digit ticket login code has expired and you still wish to complete the requested items, please contact the sender (their details will be in the original message) and ask them to copy the expired ticket request (we recommend you include a note of the expired 10 digit login code in your message). A new 10-digit login code will be issued for the same item(s), which is then valid for a further 30 days.
If a ticket request you have received is cancelled by the sender the 10-digit login code will immediately expire and can no longer be used - you will receive a further message informing you that this has occurred.